Valerie Tregillus

Valerie Tregillus
Victoria, BC

Born and educated in England, Ms. Valerie Tregillus holds a degree in Business Administration and has committed herself to a lifelong career in public health. She served as executive director of Primary Health Care for the BC Ministry of Health, as well as co-chair of the General Practice Services Committee, where she implemented “value us, […]

Dr Robert J. Wedel

Dr. Robert J. Wedel
Taber, AB

Dr. Robert J. Wedel graduated with the University of Calgary’s second medicine class in 1974. He completed a family practice residency at Dalhousie University and then moved to Taber, Alberta, where he has maintained an active family practice for more than 30 years. He received a Fellowship in Palliative Care from the University of Alberta […]

Dr Cyril Moyse

Dr Cyril Moyse
Summerside, PEI

Dr Cyril Moyse, from Summerside, Prince Edward Island (PEI), was nominated by his colleagues to recognize and celebrate his outstanding commitment to family medicine throughout his 42-year career. Dr Moyse received his medical degree from Dalhousie University in 1972. In 1977, he earned his certification in family medicine from the College of Family Physicians of […]

Dr Jody Woolfrey

Dr Jody Woolfrey
Botwood, NL

Dr Jody Woolfrey’s distinguished medical career has been focused in Botwood, Newfoundland, where he has a comprehensive community-based practice that includes emergency medicine, long-term care, palliative care, care of the elderly, and most recently, opioid use disorder management. A medical graduate of Memorial University, Dr Woolfrey received his certification in family medicine from the College […]