The Honours and Awards Committee is a regional committee of the CFPC Board and the FAFM Board, representing the voices of practising family physicians, teachers, researchers, learners, Chapters, and the FAFM.
The Honours and Awards Committee is responsible for:
- Overseeing the process of all CFPC awards, grants, and scholarships
- Approving the selection of awards and submit recommendations to the Boards of the CFPC and FAFM
- Allocating the funds available from the FAFM for awards
- Reviewing and ensuring all awards are current and consistent with the CFPC Mission and Goals
- Overseeing the process for new awards
- Offering support and expertise in the creation of new awards
- Dr. Paul Sawchuk, Winnipeg, MB
- Dr. Eva Grunfeld, Honours and Awards Research Committee (HARC)
- Dr. Sudha Koppula, Education Awards Committee (EAC)
- Dr. Deepak Bhangu, First Five Years in Family Practice Committee
CFPC Staff:
- Claudia Zuccato Ria, Executive Director, Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine
- Nancy Wallace, Manager, Honours & Awards
- Sonia Oleskevych, Program Coordinator, Honours and Awards