Dr. Kevin Pottie
London, ON - 2021

Dr. Kevin Pottie is passionate about global health and uses research and entrepreneurship to contribute to a global movement of evidence-based care for vulnerable populations. He has led a productive 20-year research program in primary care, focusing on refugee health, health equity, and interdisciplinary evidence-based guidelines. Throughout his career Dr. Pottie has helped guide and […]

Dr. Clare Liddy, recipient of the Researcher of the Year award/Dre Clare Liddy, récipiendaire du Prix du chercheur de l’année en médecine familiale

Dr. Clare Liddy
Ottawa, ON - 2019

Dr. Clare Liddy is the Interim Chair of and an associate professor in the University of Ottawa’s Department of Family Medicine, a clinical investigator at the C.T. Lamont Primary Health Care Research Centre, a senior researcher at the Bruyère Research Institute, and a family doctor with the Ottawa Hospital Academic Family Health Team. In each […]