
Dr. Cynthia Landy
Calgary, Alberta

During her medical education at the University of Calgary students were taught every system of the body, one at a time. Dr. Cynthia Landy found each one fascinating, and in the end wanted to practise in all areas of medicine. After her first year of residency, an elective in rural family medicine showed her what […]


Dr. Kevin Coates
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Dr. Kevin Coates has worked as a full-scope family physician at the multidisciplinary St. Boniface Clinic in Winnipeg, Manitoba, since 1982; he has held the roles of President and Managing Partner since 1995 and has been a preceptor for physician assistants since 2013. He holds the distinction of being one of the first fee-for-service physicians […]


Dr. Jocelyn Charles
Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Jocelyn Charles is a family physician at the Sunnybrook Academic Family Health Team, through which she provides comprehensive, interprofessional, team-based family medicine and contributes to family medicine education in an academic teaching unit. She also provides home-based primary care to frail seniors and housebound patients with a team of learners and interprofessional team members. […]


Dr. Heidi James
Riverview, New Brunswick

When Dr. Heidi James was younger a physician she knew told her, “If you like people, be a family doctor”—and that’s exactly what she did. Today, Dr. James’s clinical practice consists primarily of outpatient and inpatient care; minor procedures and surgical assists; and house calls with the Moncton Hospital and Riverview Family Practice. Dr. James […]


Dr. Glenn Gracie
Sydney, Nova Scotia

A founding member of the Sydney Family Practice Centre in 1974, Dr. Glenn Gracie has a comprehensive family medicine practice that includes obstetrics, hospital in-patient care, walk-in care, home care, and nursing home care. Supremely dedicated to his patients and to his colleagues, he has a reputation for always making himself available for impromptu appointments […]