Dee Mangin

Dr. Dee Mangin

Project lead

Dee Mangin, MD, MBChB, DPH, FRNZCGP; professor, Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University

Project location

Hamilton, Ontario

Project summary

Approximately 7.5 per cent of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Canada in 2020 required hospitalization. Others with milder COVID-19 symptoms recovered at home.

Dr. Dee Mangin’s Extended Care in Hamilton project provided pathways that help family physicians care for patients with mild or moderate COVID-19 at home.

The pathways integrate evidence, tools, and EMR templates, and they enable family physicians to monitor patient symptoms remotely through regular phone calls.

A key component of the innovation is the use of pulse oximeters that monitor a patient’s oxygen levels to help detect deterioration early and expedite necessary hospital transfers.

The pathways strengthen a patient-centred approach by supporting the team to monitor disease progression while the patient recovers at home.

For more information on this project, its partners and collaborators.