After completing his family medicine residency at the University of Montreal in 1979, Dr. Michel Labrecque had a practice for three years in the Montreal suburbs, and then became Head Physician of a health district in the Comoros Islands in Africa. Back in Canada in 1984, he settled in Laval, where he is currently a family medicine professor, a clinician-teacher at St-François d’Assise Hospital, and a clinical researcher at the Research Centre of the hospitalier universitaire de Québec. He has received numerous research grants for projects focusing on various clinical topics including perinatal and obstetric care, diagnosis and treatment of common problems in primary care, male sterilization techniques, and cancer screening.
Family Medicine Researcher of the Year Award
This award recognizes a member of the CFPC who is a family medicine researcher who has made original contributions to building research and knowledge for family medicine in Canada. The contribution may encompass any aspect of family medicine research, from clinical, to health services, to education.
This award has been designed to honour a family medicine researcher who has been a pivotal force in the definition, development, and dissemination of concepts central to the discipline of family medicine.