Dr. Derelie Mangin
Hamilton, Ontario

Derelie Mangin

Born in New Zealand, Dr. Derelie Mangin earned her medical degree at the University of Otago in 1985, and then took vocational training in family medicine and postgraduate training in public health. She spent her first years of practice in Christchurch, and was director of the Primary Care Research Unit at the University of Otago, Christchurch, and Clinical Leader for Research Audit and Evaluation at the Pegasus Health Primary Healthcare Organization before moving to Canada. She is a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners, and was awarded their Distinguished Service Medal in 2011.

Dr. Mangin is a family doctor at the McMaster Family Health Team in Hamilton, Ontario, and is the David Braley & Nancy Gordon Chair in Family Medicine, a professor, and the Associate Chair (Research) in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University. She sits on the CFPC’s Section of Researchers Council and is the co-founder and Medical Director of RxISK.org, a website for consumer information and reporting of drug adverse reactions.

Always interested in rational prescribing as a lens on the wider influences in the health system, Dr. Mangin’s current focuses are multimorbidity and polypharmacy, innovative models of primary care delivery, and the effective incorporations of evidence. She chose family medicine for the variety and complexity, the amazing opportunities to share in the narratives of patient’s lives, and the varied channels it provides for asking and answering questions that will improve care in a way that makes a difference at the patient level.

Donald I. Rice Award

This award is named in memory of Dr. Donald I. Rice, Executive Director of the CFPC from 1965 to 1985. The award recognizes outstanding family physician members of the College for their contributions to teaching, for their vision, and for their leadership in the discipline of family medicine.